The Project Return Center for Lifelong Education, Training, and Development offers a comprehensive menu of services. Members can select from a variety of educational, social, and personal enrichment opportunities all at one convenient location.
Members may also select to participate in any of our wide variety of classes, engage in special activities, participate in support groups, and join in our social gatherings and community outings. They can also explore talents or hobbies, learn new skills, access other community resources, and engage in other activities to enhance their lives. Members choose when they want to visit and what they would like to be involved in.
Members have an active voice in the Center's programs and activities and regularly share their comments and suggestions during community meetings and through confidential surveys and suggestion boxes.
Staff members are available as resource coordinators who will partner with the member to accomplish the following:
-Determine preferences
-Assist the member in assessing needs
-Define, with the individual, expected outcomes
-Develop outcome-based plans in concert with the member, and identified support persons and members of the community team
-Locate services and resources that are consistent with the member's preferences -Develop community linkages
-Monitor, review and revise outcome-based plans
-Ensure that the mutually agreed upon outcomes are accomplished

"There is no time of life past learning something" - Saint Ambrose